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Sunday, November 24, 2013

Dating Advice: 3 tips for getting over a break up

Dating advice: 3 tips to get over a break up:

I give a lot of dating advice for not getting stuck on one girl to begin with but for those that are in this painful boat and have gotten this bad part of the…


Tuesday, November 19, 2013

PUA Persuasion: Frustratingly Charming

How to manage the conversation (Pick up artist Persuasion: Being Frustratingly
Charming): I'm going to discuss how I tend to keep the
conversation about sex and, mainly, dictate the topic of what's being said. I like
to think of this as being frustratingly…

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Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Pick up artist Redsky's Method for Escalating to sex and the importance of Eye Contact

Introduction to Eye Contact and Kino Escalation (Pick up artist Redsky’s Method):

First off, this is a very common topic of discussion. A lot of us are having trouble with this and I don't think it is necessary to rely on alcohol and luck all the time.

Most of the time it is just about presenting yourself in a way that is confident and there is no better way to do so than by eye contact.

Eye Contact: I believe I should start this off by stating the necessity for strong eye contact. There is a big importance for this and also…